Thursday, December 10, 2009

"Ma-Ma" and then a tantrum...

This is a cute little video showcasing Sasha's first word, "Ma-Ma", how she is mastering the art of jumping and is that a little tantrum? I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


It's been quite a while since I have posted to my blog but as I was thinking about my blog I realized the value of this wonderful tool. It seems like my pregnancy was so long ago, so visiting my previous posts and seeing the venture we have been on over the past year is remarkable! Going from a little baby bump to a 7 month old in what seems like such a short period of time is mind-blowing. And as I ease back into posting to my blog, I have the perfect video to share. I was feeding Sasha dinner last night and as I brought the spoon to her mouth, this is what she did...

I cannot believe how quickly they learn to say no.