Friday, October 17, 2008

Baby's First Gift

Jes and Marco came to visit us this past weekend and brought Shim his/her first gift! It is too funny! It is a t-shirt that says "I can't help it good looks are in my genes, just look at my Aunt". Only Jes would think of this one. :) It is so exciting to receive our first baby gift. Thanks Auntie! And since she is so fair, just like our Auntie Susan, she brought gifts for Bruiser and Berkeley too. They were happy their gift was not clothes...I torture them enough with that. Their gift was a treat from Topsfield Fair and they LOVED it!!!! Alex and I couldn't find them for 15 minutes while they were devouring their treat. :)

P.S. Berkeley turns 2 today! Happy birthday Berkeley!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Uncle Marco

My sister Jes is finally engaged! Sorry Marco, but we have been waiting a while. :) And look at that ring! I guess it was worth the wait. We could not be happier to know that Marco is going to be Shim's Uncle Marco!!! Marco is an amazing person and we know he will make a great Uncle. We are so excited to officially welcome him to the family and we know Shim will just love him!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

8 Weeks

Friday, October 3rd was our first doctors appointment. It's official...we're pregnant! We were so excited to finally see Shim and the little heartbeat. So far the experience has been so surreal so seeing Shim made it feel a bit more real. We also found out the due date which is May 15, 2009. Of course the baby would be due on a 15th. If is wasn't relative to a tax deadline, I am not sure Alex would remember. :) We have our next doctors appointment on Friday, October 31st so we will keep you posted!
P.S. We still haven't told everyone we are pregnant yet. We are waiting until we have made it through the first trimester. So please do not forward this link to anyone for a few more weeks. Thank you!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I'm Pregnant!

On September 7th I was not feeling quite like myself. I took a pregnancy test and to my surprise it was finally positive! My feelings were a mixture of excitement and shock and Alex was just in shock. I think it is going to take a while for it to sink in. We decided to wait at least a week before we told our family. It felt like the longest week of my life. Everyone was quite excited of course to hear the news and my family quickly came up with a nickname for the new Khoury-to-be...Shim. It is starting to stick and everyone keeps asking me how "Shim" is doing or if "Shim" is hungry. It is cute. I just hope we don't keep calling the baby Shim once he or she is born. :)