Wednesday, March 11, 2009

30 Weeks

Today we had our 30th week doctor's appointment. Everything went well and the doctor said Baby Khoury is right on track. We cannot believe there is only 9 weeks or so until we get to meet our new little one! We are quite excited! This week we also ordered Baby Khoury's crib and dresser. Now we just have to get Daddy to paint the nursery which has not been an easy task. :)
Baby Khoury moves all day long and she is starting to do flips in my stomach. Sometimes her movements take my breath away or make me giggle because they tickle. :) Our next doctor's appointment is in 3 weeks so we will post another update then. We miss all of you!
Click on the link below to hear what Baby Khoury's little heartbeat sounded like at 30 weeks!
(This is not her actual heartbeat, just an example of a fetal heartbeat at 30 weeks.)